Hohhot, China
November 09-10, 2024
Coming soon...
The detail conference venue information will be available about two weeks before the opening of the conference.

Brief Introduction: The capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot is also the center of the region's politics, economy, culture, technology, education and finance. Mongolians and other ethnic groups reside in Hohhot. In Mongolian, “hohhot” means a “green city”. The city of Hohhot has a rich history. The historic culture of the Zhao Monasteries is very concentrated here. It is the home of many well-known Zhao temples, such as the Dazhao Monastery, the Five Pagoda Temple, Xilituzhao Temple and Longevity Temple. 


Hasuhai Lake


It is on the south side of Daqing Mountain, to the west of Tumete Left Banner and is 70 kilometers from Hohhot.

General information:

Hasuhai Lake is also known as the “West Lake North of the Great Wall”. Hasuhai is abbreviated from Halawusuhai, meaning “black water” in Mongolian. Hasuhai Lake remains from before the course of the Yellow River was changed. It is also an exoreic freshwater lake in the Daheihe water system. The lake was once called Houboer, shortened from Taosihaoxihaizi. Hasuhai Lake is naturally formed, and has a surface area of 45,000 acres. Tourists can take cruise ships and boats to enjoy the beautiful views of the lakes.


Five Pagoda Temple


It is in the southeast part of the Old Town.

General information:

The Five Pagoda Temple was once called “The Precious Pagoda of the Buddhist Relics of the Diamond Throne”. This 16-meter tall temple was originally built in the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty. Because the temple has five square relic pagodas, it was renamed the Five Pagoda Temple. The pagodas were built with glazed bricks. The upper part has niches, holding gold-plated statues of Buddha, while the lower part is inlaid with inscriptions of Diamond Sutra written in Mongolian, Tibetan and Sanskrit. The Mongolian Astronomic Map Stone Inscriptions are the most valuable items in the temple. On the inscriptions, the North Pole is at the center of the Celestial Sphere. 28 longitudes and 5 concentric circles are also inlaid on the inscriptions.


Zhaojun's Tomb


Zhaojun's Tomb is on the northern bank of the Dahei River, 9 kilometers away from Hohhot.

General information:

Zhaojun's Tomb is also known as the Green Tomb because the green plants that cover the tomb never turn yellow. According to folklore, Zhaojun married the Mongolian Monarch and created a peaceful relationship between the Han and Mongolian people during the Han Dynasty, more than 2,000 years ago. The tomb was originally built in the West Han Dynasty around the same time. As one of the biggest Han tombs, Zhaojun's Tomb is 33 meters high and occupies an area of 13,000 square meters. The tomb is shaped like an upside-down earthen funnel.